Election Blog 2020 Outcome

File:Donkey and elephant - democrat blue and republican red - polygon  rough.svg - Wikimedia Commons

Once again it’s that time of year and it’s time to vote let’s talk about our candidates Donald Trump versus Joe Biden they are trying to get electoral votes by each state to see who wins the election. People that I’ve talked to say it’s the less of both evils. Democrats say that they don’t like Biden but they would rather have Biden than Trump. Some Republicans that I’ve talked to say that they only voted for Trump is because of his politics and that he is going to do what is best for the country in his campaigns. By seeing this we can tell that people in both parties aren’t in favor of the candidates but who they agree with or who they can relate too


File:2016 US presidential election polling map gender gap Trump.png -  Wikimedia Commons

The polls so far show Biden is off to an early lead above trump. Those polls aren’t exactly precise. Like what happened in 2016 the polls were in Hillary’s favor and the next day trump won and the picture above the red meaning republican and what state trump will win and the blue color is democratic and the state that Biden will win and in each state depending on the number of people that can vote and are voting are how many points each state gives to the candidate and their numbers an example could be California is mainly blue and Alabama is red and republican and California has 55 points and Alabama has 13 because of the population.

Benefits of the party’s

I read an article that said that the policies of Trump would benefit people more. just weeks before the election an impressive 56 percent of voters said they were better off than they were 4 years that 56 percent is higher than when we asked in 1984, 1992, 2004 and, 2012 when Ronald Reagan, and George w Bush, George Hw Bush and, Barack Obama. By seeing this it shows that Trump is helping people benefit from his term in office but sometimes people are lead false info and their opinions are altered

I read an article that says Democrats will have a greater influence over redirecting into the new decade than we did the last and voters in the states will be drawn into fair non gerrymandered districts for the first time in a generation (USA today). I was thinking like everyone that post about Biden and talk about him on social media such as athletes, actors and, social influences and it’s so true I would have more money than they do and they influence people so much because they are people’s role models and that’s what they want to hear.

Who I think will win!

Flag of the United States - Wikipedia

I honestly believe that no one can tell who will win this election but whoever wins I hope put’s the country’s safety and thinks mostly about our interest of becoming a better country as a whole and I honestly hope that this generation of people learns respect for other peoples views and opinions.

Age of absolutism

File:Europe, 1700—1714.png - Wikimedia Commons

The Age of Absolutism was the period around the 17th and 18th centuries when Europe kind of was ruled by very powerful monarchs. Monarchs with absolute control. Thus, the Age of Absolutism. These monarchs also ruled by divine right or the belief that their power came from God.

French Absolutism was a style of monarchy where the monarch had absolute power based on divine right. In other words, God gave the monarch the right to rule however and whenever from anywhere.

Oliver Cromwell became the general for the puritan army which turned the tides in the puritan’s favor. The Civil War from that point on was being won by the Puritans. They won the war and squashed the absolutists and Oliver Cromwell ruled until his death in 1658. A constitutional monarchy is a form of monarchy in which the sovereign exercises authority in accordance with a written or unwritten constitution.

Peter the great initiated Russia’s westernization through his internal reforms. He enhanced Russia’s economy through industrial growth Peter the Great implemented sweeping reforms in education. He introduced the system of Table of Ranks to do away with hereditary nobility. Peter established the Governing Senate in 1711.

When they became king and queen the English government became a constitutional monarchy. By becoming this it limited the power to their ruling so they agreed with the parliament to create the bill of rights which listed the many things a ruler can not do. For instance no suspending of Parliament’s laws, no levying of taxes without a specific grant from Parliament, no interfering with freedom of speech in Parliament, no penalty for a citizen who petitions the king about grievances. After 1688, no British monarch could rule without the consent of Parliament and the Parliament could not rule without the consent of the monarch. If the two disagreed, the government came to a standstill. During the 1700s, this potential problem was remedied by the development of a group of government ministers, or officials, called the cabinet. These ministers acted in the ruler’s name but in reality, represented the major party of Parliament. Therefore, they became the link between the monarch and the majority party in Parliament. Over time, the cabinet became the center of power and policymaking.

Voters fraud in America

Trump’s claim is that Joe Biden has been handing out fake ballots and he isn’t exactly a man on an island when it comes to his voter fraud claims, at least not yet. Republican lawmakers are still, in many cases at least, “humoring him” declining to subscribe to such baseless claims but also declining to directly dispute them, presumably for fear of Trump’s wrath. Elsewhere, the lack of backup is growing more conspicuous. To win, Mr. Trump must prove systemic fraud, with illegal votes in the tens of thousands. There is no evidence of that so far.”

Joe Biden’s claim on the incident campaign on Thursday belittled President Donald Trump’s legal team for promoting bogus claims of voter fraud. Biden’s campaign spokesman blasted the president’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani after a bizarre press conference. “Yet another Rudy Giuliani spectacle exposes, as his appearances always do, the absurdity of Donald Trump’s thoroughly discredited claims of voter fraud,” said Gwin. Chris Krebs, whom Trump fired via Twitter on Tuesday as head of Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, in his own tweet Thursday said, “That press conference was the most dangerous 1hr 45 minutes of television in American history.”

The most dangerous game

100+ Free Hunter & Hunting Vectors - Pixabay

When legendary hunter Bob Rainsford is shipwrecked on the perilous reefs surrounding a mysterious island, he finds himself the guest of Count Zaroff. While he is very gracious at first, Zaroff eventually forces Rainsford and two other shipwreck survivors, brother, and sister Eve to participate in a sadistic game of cat and mouse in which they are the prey and he is the hunter.

File:The Most Dangerous Game (1932) 3.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Fear may be as old as life on Earth. It is a fundamental, deeply wired reaction, evolved over the history of biology, to protect organisms against perceived threat to their integrity or existence. Fear may be as simple as a cringe of an antenna in a snail that is touched, or as complex as existential anxiety in a human.

Animal skeleton | Pikrepo

This is how Rainsford feels when he learns Zaroff is hunting and killing the people that become shipped recked and find shelter Rainsford is scared for his life when he is being chosen because he a more “experienced” hunter but he knows he has to be brave but he knows deep down this man is very dangerous.

Image from page 66 of "Big game hunting in Africa and othe… | Flickr

Rainsford feels petrified knowing that he will be hunted by the highly skilled hunter count zarroff. “Fear reaction starts in the brain and spreads through the body to make adjustments for the best defense or flight reaction.” For Rainsford to be able to survive he will have to choose the fight reaction but also what happens to our muscles during being scared the heart rate and blood pressure rise. Blood flow and stream of glucose to the skeletal muscles increase. Meaning he will be able to run faster and react to things in a better fashion.

The Most Dangerous Game | Peter C Whitaker

Rainsford escapes from Zaroff by diving into the sea. Later Zaroff retires to his bedroom for the night. However, Rainsford has not died. Since his escape, he has hidden in Zaroff’s bedroom, with the intention of killing Zaroff himself.

The Most Dangerous Game by Alexander Vidal on Dribbble

This is how Rainsford adjusted to the fear factor and was able to overcome the fact that he was scared for his life and is able to escape and overcome his fear.

Scarlet ibis

Pride and love are the themes of the passage because the author was so excited to have a little brother and had a deep love for doodle but Pride stepped in when doodle was getting all the attention from his family members and others he also hated the condition that doodle had. So he didn’t even want to be seen with him because he was so humiliating. So he wanted to make doodle stronger and more “normal” as possible so he made him practice walking and trying to become like everyone else but the pride got the best of a brother so he thought he could push doodle harder than he had ever been pushed before but he chose the wrong day to do so and caused the death of doodle. This is being called being blinded by pride and it happens to people all the time especially me in the weight room I think I can go up more weight but I know I can’t but I let my pride get the best of me or in life, people let this happen to this all the time it’s ok to push yourself but know your limits and I know the brother was a very young boy but he just wanted to feel joy and happiness but he was blinded by his pride so the message that the story gives is to try to not let you pride get the best of you

Christians being killed in Nigeria

This is a picture of the catholic church the site of a 2014 bomb attack blamed on Islamic extremist group Boko Haram,

Nigeria is becoming the “biggest killing ground of Christians in the world” due to attacks by Boko Haram and Fulani militants. A recent report from the Nigeria-based International Society for Civil Liberties and the Rule of Law (Intersociety) claims 620 Nigerian Christians were killed in the first six months of 202

International Christian Concern (ICC) estimates between 50,000 and 70,000 Christians have been killed in the last decade in the West African nation, the most populous on the continent.

Affects that the killings and attacks had

Without the access to their land, they no longer have the ability to grow food to sustain themselves and their families. It is also hurting the larger community as a whole as there are known food shortages throughout northern Nigeria.

Nigeria facing 'systematic, planned, calculated' genocide of Christians
The christians car were lit on fire by the Nigerian terrorist

Christians are being killed because the Nigerian religion therefore they are taking it to the extreme with killing the christian people that are just trying to teach there religion to others

The Reformation

Martin Luther was a German monk who forever changed Christianity when he nailed his ’95 Theses’ to a church door in 1517, sparking the Protestant Reformation. He also used the printing press to get ideas spread around everywhere that permanently changed the Catholic Church forever.


Religious evidence If all baptized are priests, they all should have ready access to God’s word. That premise led Luther to what was perhaps his most momentous work a translation of the Bible into vernacular German. . He also translated the Latin Mass into everyday language. Political evidence: That, in turn, influenced the creation of England’s Book of Common Prayer. Social evidence. The Reformation benefited from rising literacy that began in the 1440s. But reformers broadened literacy and educational opportunities still further.